Ari Abdul - HUSH

There’s a vocalist on the block who’s becoming known as an angel in the industry; her name is Ari

Abdul and she’s like that rare lady bug that lands on you every now and then, the one that you start to miss

as soon as it travels yonder, then wishing it would come back to chill forever. Her new song “HUSH” is gentle

in nature but because of the amount of passion that lies within the piece it burns like a comet entering

Earth’s atmosphere. However, we all know that it takes ‘two to tango’ as they say, so let’s not forget about

what’s going on behind the scenes. A blessed cacophony of sounds are placed perfectly in the mix to

accompany the much desired vocals of Ari Abdul, in turn fully leveling up “HUSH” well past 100. This young

artist is rocking music outlets everywhere so stay on top of her projects as they are rolled out. As always the

link to listen is down below :)


Løv Li - Runaway


Nicky Romero - Techtronic