Autograf - Space (Wave & Skywild Remix)

Melodically inspiring house music can be often difficult to find. It is a unique take on the genre that fills the air with a completely unique and wonderful vibrance, both relaxing and energetic. This new take on Autofgraf’s “Space” by Wave point & Skywild is a spectacular, stellar remix that proves how far composition can change a song through sheer re-imagining. The sheer passion for this work is felt throughout the various tones and sounds, a remixed song with powerful and entrancing, vibrantly complex harmonies  and rhythms. This burning wave is a musical testament to an incredible subversion of its original work; one molded into absolute gold. Its very unique and bold atmosphere is intense and lush; an increasing love work to its vocal counterpart. It is a beautiful and bold composition that hits at every turn as it lets rain a burst of fire within its very soul, compounding its melodious enchantment into a crescendo of pure beauty. I instantly knew I would love to share this track with you; I urge you to check this amazing piece out down below!


LF-Flo - Mind Reader


Sparkee - Feel Alive