AxKo - Australian House - Radio Edit

The weekend is on its way boys and girls so if you want to get this party started, then we’re going to

have to add some kindling to the fire. And by golly, it just so happens that the plug for the spark just came

through, brought to you by none other than AxKo, an artist who’s been in the mix for some time now. This

party animal just cranked out a banger of a radio edit original titled “Australian House ” that will absolutely

blow your top off into the stratosphere. This is one of those jams that could come on at 1AM in the club

having you so fired up that you end up chucking your vodka soda across the venue after just having paid

an exorbitant amount of skrilla just to secure a slightly higher elevated sense of inebriation. You can forget

those cocktails now; as trading in 8 vodka sodas for a quick listen on this hit “Australian House” by AxKo will

have you feeling 100 times more sent.

If you have ever experienced what I like to call ‘the halt’, that sensation inside where you feel if there

was just a little more oomph to the banger on at the club then you would bust out some saucy dance

moves but don’t, then you must have a listen to “Australian House”. By doing so you will unearth the key to

the vault where inside lies the juice to cease “the halt” for the rest of eternity. You heard that right friends;

give this banger one rip and you will be sent on a dance journey across the nation. Tap in to the vibe below

for your journey to commence!


KSI - Summer Is Over


Children of our Stars - Deep Purple