Deadrick - Move

Deadrick just released one of the smoothest tracks we have heard in a very long time; it’s titled ‘Move’ and it will surely have you feeling some type of way. Let the lyrics in this sensual production ease you off to paradise via its lustrous divine vocals. An ideal Saturday night would feature this song playing out on your surround sound speaker system back at the casa. Just make sure to have a bubble bath drawn for your girl with a multitude of essential oils finessed all up in there to compliment the vibes when she pulls through. Maybe pop a bottle of some French champagne for her in addition. Get those shoulders of hers rubbed up with some Italian lotion real nice. Get the candles lit and all. When she hops out the tub, walk her to the bedroom. Make sure there are some rose petal leaves scattered across the floor and some up on the bedding, silk or satin sheets of course, nothin less. Get that Versace robe wrapped all up over her. Throw on some Netflix or maybe just leave the tv off and let the sound of Deadricks masterful sexy creation ‘Move’ continue to caress the air waves surrounding you & home girl. For some pleasure, click the hit below xoxo


Alok - Kill Me


D.R.K.O - Donnie