Don BNNR x 4-Jax - Only Yours

We want to begin this coming weekend with high energy and uplifting vibes, we therefore bring to you this new hit by the well known producers Don BNNR & 4-Jax: ‘Only Yours’ an original that surely takes the cake time & time again. It is a fantastic Tropical style Pop track that exemplifies a flagrant array of juicy plucks and a mesmerizing singing performance! The timeless writing is simply to die for <3 This is the type of song you inevitably sing all the lyrics to after listening non-stop to it for days on end xoxo. This fiery, seductive composition swims across the sea of our minds and engulfs us in a never-ending night that feels eternal; a deeply connected song that raises our arms and invites the impulse to jump as high as the sky. This collaborative original ‘Only Yours’ is one of the best Tropical tracks you haven’t heard yet, enjoy and get to it down below :)


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