Encrypted - Menace

The incredible variety and uniqueness into new takes on electronic music widen the perspective of new sounds which has gifted us with a vast array of superb fresh styles. Encrypted innovate with their new “Menace” as it shatters reality with a mind-bending powerful track that hits like a cannon!

With its omnipresent, powerfully paced drops and widely furious atmospheres, it hits with a relentless, intense vibrance with a never ending assault much like a shark’s. Its use of simple yet mesmerizingly complex sounds feel entrancing, mind-shattering. It is sublime, subtle, menacing! A track like this hits for a while and then delivers even more; it is nothing short of a banger. I invite you to feel the depth of the EDM ocean  down in the link below!


MKNSN - Endless Love


Bradley Denniston - The After All