A good friend of ours, Mike Sabourin aka E.S.C.ape, is finally coming into the recognition he’s deserved. Affinity Ascension studios has been keeping a close watch on this rising artist ever since we first heard him spit his electric bars live. After hanging with this legend more & more, we immediately fell in love with not only his music, but more importantly his personality. E.S.C.ape has nothing but good vibes resonating from within and this reflects in his bangers. In an interview with Top Hit Maker, Mike states “No one’s heard vocals like mine and I plan to keep innovating.” This past year, after having made our initial connection with E.S.C.ape, we have noticed he’s been making deep moves in the scene. Just after dropping a clean EP with producer Giomassiv, they soon got booked for a Wreckno headlined festival in Maine. Now Mike is being sent into the mix head first with potential to come out as a Rolling Stones feature.

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With the help of your vote, we can get E.S.C.ape music pushed forward to the top of the running in this competition. Check his interview with Top Hit Maker down below for a look in on the musicians vision.

Who or what is your musical inspiration?

The Kings of Leon, The Black Keys, Bob Marley, Pearl Jam and Audioslave.

What message do you try to convey through your music?

The fact that we are here once and we are supposed to enjoy our time here to its fullest and come together.

What would you do with $10,000?

I would invest it into furthering my music career so I could give back to, not only my community but the entire world in whatever way possible that is helpful.



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