FR3SH TrX - The Light

Oh man are we fired up as ever tonight over here at Affinity Ascension and it’s all thanks to

a rising producer going by the name of FR3SH TrX. The man certainly keeps it classy in many

regards but when it comes to bangers this man doesn’t hold back. To let you know what we’re

talking about you must listen to his latest release titled “The Light”, it’s fresh out the gates and is

about to tear its way through the club scene at rapid rates as soon as it gets picked up by the

right networks, which is just a matter of time at this point.

As we hop into “The Light” we are welcomed with some vivaciously electric dance elements

that are so well mastered you can’t help but get down and dirty for a hot minute. But then as we

proceed further in deeper, listeners are elevated to max capacity as the second drop bursts its

way onto the scene. As things turn full swing, party goers will no doubt be dancing relentlessly to

the massive laser waves that are rained down upon the masses. We hope you enjoy this total

rager of a track by FR3SH TrX as much as we did. To stream make sure to click the link below :)


BYOR - Flavour


Andrew Lampa - Waste of Time