Golden - Burning Alive

As we explore the depths of Fall, the need for something refreshing and uplifting is a must; energetic,

bright music is normally a go to around this time, but with Winter around the corner we crave something

that pulls up with a unique touch. Golden, an artist/vocalist who’s been hot on the scene as of late brings an

emotionally full song in with his new cosmic release “Burning Alive”. This heartfelt sublime piece is lush and

wonderful; a colorful journey of stars beyond the sun!

Its flavorful combination of lifting sounds, intoxicating vocals and bright tones all work together to

climax the experience of the sound beyond. It takes you back into unknown territory but always stays by

your side; it is an intense amalgamation of incredible melodies, lustrous vocals and mind blowing

atmospheres. It brings a new perception as to how we hear each sound fill our souls with a unique nectar

that grows beyond the stars. I found myself then rewinding the track, another minute in the eternity found

beyond this sublime composition. Exploring the vast infinity of soulful sound begins with productions hitting

essential calibers such as ‘Burning Alive’ brings to the table! To stream this must listen of a track by Golden

click it down below!


TERRIS -Inertia