PulseMotive – Sounds of Freedom


We’re presently a little past the half way bench mark of May and its making it feel as if Summer is simply a breath away. It’s been a ride making it to this point, especially with everyone being unsure about the course of events that lie outside the perimeter of our norm presently. Every now and then things can even feel like a trip into unknown territories, thus facilitating unsureness to flow thicker within our veins. It’s important to bare in mind that the majority of trips can level our perceptions to a more central ground, making it easier to process our feelings and emotions with clarity as time proceeds. Once we understand this concept and take the measures to reach this realm of transparency, we will begin to feel like we have a grasp for any task at hand.

Personally I’ve had some unique trips that restore an ample amount of vitality to a vision that craves to be absolute. All trips are unique to the individual experiencing them, but the catalyst sparking the expedition remains constant. There’s a track titled “Sounds of Freedom” that was just released this past week, written and produced by a group named PulseMotive, and it has proven to be a supporting pillar in my daily endeavors.


Hannah Ureste - HIGH


Mounika. – Tender Love x Ocie Elliott