rule85 & YARO – Place With The Bass


YARO & rule85 just released their new track “Place With The Bass” and it’s absolutely wild! When I first listened I didn’t know what I was getting myself into and then before I knew what was even happening I was in complete party mode. It even got to the point where I was like I’m going to download this so I can see how it rips down the block on the way to the market. Always helps to listen to beats out in the world where people are around you that way you can see how you feel about the track in public settings where eyes are on you while you jamming out.

Anyway, I was cranking so hard to this absolute banger I worked up a little jog on the way out the door because the track just brings this wild element of energy to the table, the likes of which I haven’t experienced in a very long time. As I approach the stairs leading downstairs out of the complex I start to really cruise. Then out of no where my total piece of a neighbor across the hall steps out of her apartment and this is when things take a total spin. I end up doing this heavy side look to catch a glimpse and next thing I know I’m tanking it down almost an entire flight of stairs then precede to tumble down the remaining last few steps.

All I recall is soaring through the air for a second as the 2 minute mark of “Place With The Bass” came in and I’m not gunna lie, it was epic. I felt like super man taking lift off, of course until I railed my knee on the edge of one of the steps. Stacy, my neighbor, ends up coming to my rescue and it was obvious she was making an attempt to hold back some immense amount of laughter. Thought all my chances of ever catching a date with her were gone. After asking if I was alright, she ends up asking what I was jamming to so I just simply passed over the headphones while I collected myself back to normalcy. Let’s just say I could tell she was vibing heavy. Wouldn’t you believe it I end up getting her number because she wanted to get my playlists from me.

I was already happy for rule85 & YARO for their new release as the production on their new track is completely stellar. Right now though I’m immensely appreciative on an entirely new level that the pair cooked up this huge release, I’m sure you can understand why. Now I’m just looking forward to taking this chica to a rave, where possibly the gods can work their magic and have”Place With The Bass” come on at one of the main stages so we can hear this bad boy live together :)  To join the party click the link below to stream!


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