Shanin Blake - Senses


The sad truth about the changing seasons is when we realize the summer has left us. the warmth of the sun, the sound of the ocean and the gentle breeze… We miss them. As a tribute to this summer going by so fast, Shanin Blake brings us “Senses”, an immersive and wistful song that reminisces of the endless ocean.

It felt like a love letter to the sunset above the clouds and its very sound feels like being adrift beyond the infinite horizon of water. As nostalgia hits, this song brings confront with its warm and inviting sounds, its amazing vocals and floating tones. It is an experience that made us smile, it brought back some incrizbdle memories and along, we felt one with it. I invite you to feel the same way ! Check this nostalgic feeling down below!


Karen Harding - Sweet Vibrations


Blake Wisner - OTW