Smith, Lyle and Moore - Vampire

Every once in a while, we get a song that radiates; a mesmerizing production that feels uplifting,

energetic and dreamy. “Vampire”, by Smith, Lyle and Moore furthers this sentiment through an inspirational

and dynamic composition; an immersive and rich experience that, with its clever vocals and builds,

effectively plays with the idea of anticipation. It purposely holds the peak of the track with its amazing

vocals. ‘All the stars, like fireflies, are burning bright for you and I’ accompanied by its electric build ups

create a powerful feeling inside the soul that is incredibly captivating and beyond inspirational! The sheer

will behind its melodic tones and vibrant hits seek to subvert your expectations. The drops deliver and they

deliver big! This song is best summarized, but not fully, by its intoxicating nature: once you listen to it once,

you are hooked! The experience of “Vampire” is hard to describe, it is something you need to check out for

yourselves; Definitely check it down below!


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