EMERGER - Urban Wilderness (Reimagined)


We’re super excited today, much more than we usually are, and this is because we get to share one of the most refreshing jams we have heard in a hot minute. The song goes by the name “Urban Wilderness” and it’s Reimagined by none other than the electric duo EMERGER. The pair has been hot on the scene especially as of late and they even have some live gigs going, which is fantastic to see.

As we dive into this new wave / indie pop type banger listeners are immediately welcomed with an extremely warm presence accompanied by some of the most phenomenal vocals one could ever ask for. The hook gives you a pleasant idea of what “Urban Wilderness” encapsulates: “I’m losing my heart in an urban wilderness trying to find my way in this town, I’m holding onto these signs of happiness while I’m keeping my head in the clouds”. If one is not keeping their head in the clouds they are doing it wrong so this sensational track produced by the rising duo EMERGER serves as the perfect reminder that we must keep it saucy as much as we possibly can.

Both musicians hail from the magnificent Cape Town and this new hit release of theirs paints the most incredible picture of what life there is all about. I feel like booking a plane trip immediately so I can get off of Fire Island, NY to go vibe with EMERGER and maybe even get a vocal sample in for one of their next projects while I’m vibing with them ;) To find out what this electric duo is all about, make sure to stream their track below! - Affinity Ascension


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